Dear Folks:
We’re having an early chow tonight and I only have a few minutes to write but there isn’t much news anyway. Last night a furlough quota was given the battalion and in order to pick the lucky ones, a drawing was held. Of course I sought the help of the gods but they were all drawn before I got a chance to pull out a ticket. It would be too good to happen I guess. Now I’m hoping we will get another quota next month and perhaps I’ll get lucky.
Received your letter with Katies (letter) in it – hope she gets settled soon.
So you saw a movie The Battle of the Marianas? We haven’t seen any newsreels of it yet and I’m sort of looking forward to it – wished I could have seen it with you.
Last night it rained a pouring downfall and my house started leaking and was finally forced to abandon it and set up in the office. Boy was I sore. I’ll tear the damn place down if it leaks again.
The office is still very busy and it doesn’t seem it will let down. Now it’s payrolls. We haven’t been paid in five months and preparing the rolls is a big job. Having completed 3 years service I get a five percent increase which will give me a little over one forty now. You may not receive my bond (until) after September as a result of a new issuing system but you will get them as soon as I get paid.
Well not much else and it’s show time so, so long for this time.