Dear Folks:
I have one of those seldom felt feelings that so rarely finds itself with me and that is to write and write some more and make a night of it. But sadly there isn’t much to put down so perhaps my ardor will diminish before very long. I bought another picture that was taken while Joe Brown was here. I believe this shot was taken when he was doing a caricature of Hitler. The picture gives a stage door view of our plush lined, soundproofed theatre. I believe you can spot me hugging the far left edge, and I was really much happier than the camera shows. Everyone in the shot looks pretty happy and he did make a real hit. Also a few days ago I sent you a Honolulu paper as a matter of interest, but I haven’t found the bridge set yet but I’ve just started to look.
Last night I saw ‘Kings Row’ and in my estimation it lived up the billing I had heard previously. A lot of good lessons in the show other than the story itself. The newsreel showed the final game of the World Series.
I had another red letter day on mail getting about five or six including one from Gladys Davis and Wylma whose correspondence is steadily increasing. And now I am this far (and) I am stumped for anything else. I hate to stop here because I know you want me to write about a lot of things you want to know and must wonder about but I’ll have to have something to talk about when I get home. I’m really very fine and think the climate is the best yet. It looks like this is the best I can do tonight.