Dearest Folks:
I just finished a good game of bridge after making a few blundering mistakes. You can imagine what kind of a player I am from the sessions we used to have but we have a good time and to make it a little more interesting put two bits on a rubber. Only twice during the game did we bid under two. I guess bridge games aren’t too interesting a subject to be writing about so I’ll get on (to) something else. I had a letter from Dick today and our negotiations for a meeting are progressing pretty favorably. From the tone of his letter he wanted to see me pretty bad and was trying to fix things up for a good visit. His whole letter had a greater feeling of softness than his usual style and mentioned how badly he would like to be home again. He also thought it was pretty swell about Kate going to have a baby, and he said to be sure to bring along a camera.
I had your letter with the clipping about Jim now being a lieutenant in the Air Corps. I always thought he was the best real friend I ever had and I’ll always look forward to meeting him again after the war. He looks about the same as ever in the picture, maybe looks a little older. I always like to hear about the guys, what they are doing and where they are and then thumb back to the days when we went around together. The war better end in a hurry I feel like I’m getting old and missing some good times.
Tomorrow is my day off but it will probably not be any different from the other pass days. I do go out about weekly with a gal that works in the hospital, but she is nothing to whistle about and she’s pretty dumb. Last Sunday our battery had a dance in a gym nearby and I did have (a) pretty good time although the ratio of guys to gals was about ten to one. Before the dance they ate with us in the mess hall which was papered up with streamers. We all preened up like Sunday School boys on children’s day and I really felt like one. Our own dance band in my opinion is very good so when I couldn’t dance I could listen to the music. One of the boys has a fiddle and occasionally I borrow it for a brief brush up but the privacy is practically nil which doesn’t mix with my modesty.
I should write several more letters tonight but I can’t make myself get going so I’ll probably end up going to bed early and putting them off another night. Well I hope that by the time you get this I will have seen Dick, so I’ll draw the curtain here.

The pictures are two attempts at the sunset.