Dear Folks:
There seems to be a little letup in the deluge of insurance applicants so maybe I’ll get a chance to write you. Just read your letter a few minutes ago. We had mail call at 12:45, then I had to beat it down here and just got your letter opened a few minutes ago. I guess when you wrote your letter, you hadn’t received my last one. Want to hear what you think of joining the Air Corps.
Well I’m still here and haven’t any more of an idea what will become of me-that is-where I will be sent. Understand a big batch are leaving tonight on a troop train but don’t if I’m on it yet. Two from our barracks yesterday were sent to Monmouth, New Jersey. Hope I don’t go that far, and two for Camp Roberts, California. I think I will be held [here] for some time though-they need me here. Yesterday took another typhoid shot in the arm. It isn’t the shots that get you down so much as the smallpox vaccination. Of course my smallpox vacc is gone. We take nine shots altogether, one every ten days until all are given. The next I receive will be tetanus and another typhoid. I guess the tetanus [shots] are the worst. The first one burned like h___ but only for a little while. A few of [the] fellows really get scared and turn white and a few even faint. One did yesterday but they just pulled him up and pushed it in. It doesn’t bother me any believe it or not. My arm was sore last night, couldn’t sleep on it. Last night it rained and thundered something fierce. Rains all the time. It reminded me of the electrical storms back in Pennsylvania.
I guess I didn’t tell you but Tomlinson also went back to Fort Warren. Whitehead was rejected at Cheyenne for hay fever.
Yesterday I slept a little overtime and the sergeant came around and gruffly asked why I wasn’t up. I didn’t know who he was and answered back in a mad tone I was waiting for the horn. I took another look, saw the stripes and practically tore the sheets getting up. Boy do we learn to make beds. The bottom sheet has to [be] tight as a drum head and if it isn’t the corporal will tear it up.
I’m sorry Dick didn’t stay in Omaha and go to the airplane school. Hope he does something soon. Wonder what he went to Denver for.
The chow is real good and I’m eating meals like I never ate before. I’m continuing to gain all the time. It is real clean and cooked and seasoned just right. And the coffee here doesn’t have so much saltpeter in that it tastes like iodine. That’s the way it was in Cheyenne.
I realize my note at the bank is due tomorrow. If Dad can put in his name get an extension I will pay on it as I get paid. I can send you ten or fifteen dollars the first of November. I will have a month and a half pay coming or about thirty dollars.
Also got the money in your letter. Now don’t send me so much that you will feel it yourself. I’m well stocked with everything.
Got a letter from Bill Emick yesterday telling me all about himself. Hope you have good luck Dad in your newly opened business.
That’s enough for this time.
Lots of love,