Dear Folks:
While sitting here listening to the rain tap on the tent perhaps I can get off a short letter. No mail today but it’s about the first day. Am expecting your packages to arrive as much 4th class is coming in.
Have had a busy day all day and feel a little tired tonight.
Yes, Dan Gettman is still in the battalion but haven’t seen him since leaving Leyte. He is in Battery B. He is okeh and probably one of these days he’ll come trotting over with a stack of Star Heralds.
The European was news is good – so good in fact it has buoyed up our hopes for getting back. All kinds of talk goes on around the subject, and yesterday on the radio we heard the army would release two million men within a year after the end in Europe. Between you and me rotation looks pretty good but I can’t let myself be too optimistic because it seems things can be changed very easily. But if I don’t get home this year, I won’t be worth a darn.
Well pretty short this time but not a lot to write about. I hope I can enjoy those fires with you.