Dear Folks:
I’m pretty anxious to get this letter written for several reasons. In the first place I’m now in an organization that is probably the last place I expected to be as a drafter but one that I am delighted about. I mentioned, I believe, in one of my letters that I took a radio aptitude test. Well twelve in our battery of two hundred sixty-two passed the test. Yep, I was one so now I’m in a specialist battery that supplies technicians for the regular field artillery batteries. As a radio man I now get special privileges such as only forty five minutes drill a day and class B passes that are good for any nite of the week. The rest of the time I will go to school where there are long rows of receiving sets. On the enclosed pamphlet I have encircled the battery that applies to me. Ratings for radio men are many after our basic training period. So much for that.
Nothing special has happened since my last letters. Sunday we all marched to church singing “Onward Christian Soldiers”. Life photographers were taking pictures of us. Sunday nite went to the service club to hear a variety program all soldier talent. It’s a swanky place but all free. Shows here are 14 cents and the very latest too. I’m going tonight.
I’m sending a card advising you of my new address. This is permanent so perhaps we can get started again. Send the Free Presses. This is my address again, just in case: Battery D, 55th FA Bn, Camp Roberts, California.
I’ll write again soon as I hear from you.
Lots of love,