Dear folks:
I’ve got a bad cold and don’t feel too hot but I better get your letters answered. Guess I got it during the last rain. Had a little fever so went to the doctor this afternoon, and he gave me some pills.
Suppose you have heard and read about the furor caused by the supposed planes over Los Angeles. Right after evening chow our battery fell in and moved to the coast. As I was on KP duty, didn’t go along so about 8 went to bed. Then about two thirty air raid sirens began to wail and a guard called the few who were left here to get out of the tents. I did pronto. Went back to bed soon, then got up at four to take chow to the fellows about 30 miles away. We drove without lights and several times we narrowly escaped several cars. All of southern California was blackened out. It was very exciting as all kinds of rumors were going around. What scared me a little was the guard who shot out the ground lites when he couldn’t find the switch. The battery has come back today.
Hope to get to San Diego next Saturday but unless things quiet down, don’t know whether it will go thru.
Yesterday was on KP duty from four in the morning until twelve at night so I was pretty tired. However was allowed to sleep til twelve today.
It would be swell to have some of you come out for a while. Hope I am still here so it will come true.
I think Dick is pretty happy here and he will be more so when he is working and makes a decision. You know, probably he is working now at Cudahy’s for 70 cents an hour, nine hours a day.
I’m pretty pooped tonite so I’m going to quit with a promise. I’ll do better next time.