Dear Folks:
While I’m waiting to go on guard at ten I just as well write you a few lines about stuff and things. Last Wednesday a.m. battery began a week’s tour of guard duty so I’ve been confined to camp when I’m not on post. I walk from ten until two o’clock at nite and in the morning with eight hours off between each tour. I’m posted at a lake set up in the hills. It’s very pretty up there and this morning it was so bright and sunny it didn’t seem possible that a war could be going on. Every day is so lovely and full of spring. Spring don’t mean much around here but just the same March 21st spells something that the parts describe.
Got a letter from Bill E and Margie a few days ago. Bill seems on the verge of getting married. Margie, by reading between the lines, seems pretty low about everything. I get the impression she’s a little worried about Duane and his future. Rightly so, I believe.
This day was one of considerable leisure for me. Got up at nine and had pancakes for breakfast then walked guard from ten until two then laid around on my bed and listened to the radio and finished reading “Flotsam’. Later I washed my hair and shaved and now I’m writing you and waiting to leave soon.
Want to get to see the folks, yes I will too either this coming Wednesday or the following weekend. Even though some of my visits are not very far apart, I look forward to everyone as though I hadn’t seen them in ten years. If I don’t get down Dick said he was coming up. Dick is sure swell to me and we sure have a lot of fun together. It’s swell to have him so near.
Marge said that June K would look me up; also said that the former Dolores Dunbar often came to Escondido so maybe I will have some visitors soon. I hope so.
I’ve had such a supply of toilet articles that only tonight did I begin to use what Grandma and June gave me for Christmas. The buck cornsheller keeps good time and I look on it as something that almost lives. I left my other one with the folks to put in safekeeping. I couldn’t think of a thing that I need. Grandpa gave me an old fishing box with several shelves, that I was a little reluctant to accept, but it’s just the ideal thing to keep supplies in.
Patsy sent me another box of cookies. She seems to be taking quite an interest in my welfare.
Walter Winchell just came on the radio. I hope you listened too.
Guess this winds up this little edition of ink slinging.