Dear Folks:
Well this will be my last letter from Escondido. Tomorrow morning we are pulling out for—I believe—Fort Lewis, Washington. The officers intimated it would be a long trip so I believe that is the place. It is around 1,500 miles and we make about 200 (miles) a day so it will be quite a ride. Of course I hate to leave the folks in San Diego behind—I will really miss them. We have been sleeping in pup tents the last two nites so of course it would have to rain continually and on top of that my tent leaked—adding to my consternation.
There seems to be a lot to write about but somehow I can’t think of it. There will be about 700 men in our convoy of seventy or eighty vehicles and they are plenty loaded down.
Gramma sent me a beautiful English made scard today—feels so good.
Hope you have recovered from the phone call—guess it leaves on a little shaken by the miracle of it. Wish I could call you every week.
My new address is:
Pvt. HG Moss
Btry C, 222nd FA Bn
APO 40, Los Angeles, California
You can send the box now—if you send it when you get this, it should hit me about right.
I’ll write you often to let you know everything.
I believe after we get there we may be given furloughs—let’s hope.
This is a pretty gential letter but I’ll have a lot of time to write on the way so you’ll be hearing from me again soon.
Lots of love,