Dear Folks:
After reviewing two of your letters guess it is high time I took up my pen again. I think my mail is arriving okay—for many of yours have been received and hardly a mail call goes by without my getting at least one but then I never get enough to suit me. Gram is behind I believe. Perhaps if I scan over your letters, I can find something to write about. The news about Eilad Horshman is news—it was time she flew the coop though—or perhaps the coop never was much of a cage. Haven’t received the Free Press yet but they’ll get here. My tooth is yet unfixed although I had a dental appointment but it fell through. Believe they intend to pull it.
And the subscription is just the ticket—we subscribe to it but it isn’t always available and I like to read it through. I’ve answered the rest of the questions.
Tonight in the dayroom the radio is crashing on every table—there’s a game of pinochle going on, two or three books being read and plenty of letters being written and the smoke is like a blanket of clouds.
About this time every nite I turn over a leaf or two on an old memory album and look at each picture slowly and catch a glimpse of the privileges that made them possible. Guess I’ll stop with that.
Goodnite and a bomber load of love,