Dearest Folks:
I just finished an erratic game of contract bridge and now before I and another day (go by), I’ll write you a few lines. I believe my game has improved considerably since I was home—at least I seem to be pretty good.
This would be an especially appropriate night for a Moss housewarming. It’s cold, dark, and gives a house that added cozy touch. I hope I never grow old enough to always want to sit in on another.
I had a letter from Mrs. Carroll today and one from Mrs. Lewellen a while back. I will answer them right away. I wrote Mrs. Peters sometime ago after I let it go for too long. I hardly knew what to say and hope that what I wrote was alright. Have not heard from Dick for some time. I can imagine quite how he feels and like you, I do hope that he hits it as lucky as I have.
I was a little surprised about your course but I had suspected that you would eventually do something. I only hope it doesn’t evolve into anything strenuous because it’s time you started on your fifty year rest.
The gal in the picture is one that entertained at our camp. [no picture was included in the envelope]
My letters are getting to be models of brevity and drabness because the day to day pattern is so routine that a letter has become a project.
Goodnite and remember that faith is a lot of ammunition.