Dearest Folks:
I just returned from pass and before I do anything else I’m going to write you tonight. During the afternoon I had a bit of vigorous exercise with several sets of tennis that left me with two blisters on each foot and consequently I’m limping around like an octogenarian. But it was well worth the while even if I feel pretty tired tonight.
Yesterday I had a tooth pulled and my gum has been aching since but not too bad. The tooth pulled was the broken one. They won’t replace it. The only work I need done now is a filling.
I bought the bond during a drive on Army Day although it took quite a bit from my wallet. I want to buy all I can.
Most of the pictures are taken during the sight seeing trip two weeks ago that I wrote you about. You can put them away for me. Most of the scenes suffer from their real beauty because of the color and distance and especially the hills that are cut with deep valleys and painted in deep purple hues.
A few minutes ago I submitted Katie’s picture in a “Sweetheart of APO 961” contest that is going on, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it brought back some bacon.
The envelope is pretty full now so I’ll let this suffice for tonight.