Dear Folks:
Received your letter today and realized I hadn’t written you for sometime. The time to me has been flying and when I look back at the time I have spent here it doesn’t seem possible. I’m beginning to feel like a native. The past week has been a good one and much less monotonous than many. Swimming is now an often occurrence for the battery and I try to go whenever we have a detail. I’m many shades darker than I have been before and if I keep up at this pace, I’ll pass for an Hawaiian. This afternoon instead of swimming at the beach we went to the pool and once I dove off the high board and instead of cutting the water like (a) knife, hit it like a board, and now my legs still feel a little hot. On some days the sun is very hot and it is possible to burn in a few minutes, quite a bit different than the sun at home, and dangerous if caution is not used.
The two books have now both arrived and I’m right in the middle of one of them. Maybe you think they are dry and dull but they are full of interest to me. I have two more coming, one from Gram and one from Washington (guess I just as well take (them) up their offers). Maybe I should tell you a little more about the Washington friend, I guess I never have. I met her at the Service Club in Ft. Lewis on a Saturday night, and we got to talking and joking and finally developed this meeting into quite a friendship. She is pretty prominent there and is State President of the American Legion Auxiliary I believe as well as in other affairs.
Last Sunday I went to church in town and enjoyed the services very much, I hope I can go tomorrow.
I hate to send you a letter as poor as this but I hope you will overlook it and know a better one will be coming. You know sometimes you feel like writing and again at other times it’s quite a task. Well this night is one of the latter kind.
Lots of love,