Dear Folks:
I suppose you have been wondering what has happed to me since you haven’t had any letters for sometime. Things have happened that kept me from writing and which I can’t explain very fully. But I had some excitement and felt a little uncomfortable at times. But anyway I’m alright. Maybe I can get back to writing you more regularly now. Had six letters from you yesterday including the pictures of the house and the Waids. They were so damn good to get. And the letter was read a dozen times. I have received only two packages so far but things seem to be arriving every day. They will be here soon. The weather has turned good lately and it’s a relief from the rain. The Filipino population is around us everywhere and they are quite the business people. They wash clothes for a peso or two and are always bargaining for cigarettes and rations. Lately our movie has been working and of course they stand around and chatter and giggle. They especially titter during love scenes and have their own interpretations of what’s going on. Most of them can talk enough English to understand what you are trying to say. They live in small grass huts with chickens sharing the quarters. And each family has a hollowed out log for a boat. Each afternoon I usually manage a cooling swim in the warm ocean.
Well I know this isn’t adequate but perhaps I can write more often now. I’m fine and feeling swell. Starting to turn yellow from malaria tablets but it’ll wear off. I’ve thought about you often and how wonderful are the ways of peace. See you in ’45 I hope – I bet.