Dear Folks:
Just finished a pinochle game then wrote a letter to Dick and after writing to you I’ll about be ready for bed. Get a pretty good night’s sleep too – last night took an amatol and slept soundly. We have cats, so keep off the damp ground, and the evenings are pretty cool. All I worry about is a Jap sneaking in but of course that is watched closely. Didn’t work too hard today, still feel a little groggy but steadily improving.
Two letters came in tonight one from Gram and one from Washington. It must be an effort for Gram to write and its swell of her to do it. Glad to hear Gramp is going to Omaha – perhaps they can do him some good. I should write to June soon – I’ll bet she’s pretty blue and busy as hell with her children. Better write Loyd too.
From the tone of Dick’s last letter he sounded in pretty good spirits so I think he’s alright and probably enjoying what he is doing. He’ll make out okeh.
The natives have been working around the area cleaning up and helping get (everything) arranged. Each one has a bolo knife and with that he can do practically anything – build a house, get a dinner, build a boat or what have you. The girls do our washing and do a pretty good job too, but they always want soap.
I’m fine, have a slight cold, and am getting used to the place. Will write again soon. The bill is a Jap money used when they were here. It is worthless now. A peso is equal to fifty cents of our money. Am getting used to saying guess and centavo now.