Dear Dad:
Let’s make this a man-to-man talk only put it on paper. Now that I have a little free time thought I better attempt to catch up a little and maybe write you a letter. Just opened a nice beer and earlier had a swim, and a shower so I feel good. And later will go to the show. Pretty good movies have been coming in lately.
Well my law books have caught up with me and the last two nights have looked into them some, however I believe I better send them home – you can never tell what may happen – and then of course I’m going to be home in 1945 – hm. I hate to send them back but I think it’s the best.
Well no packages have arrived so now I think the Christmas mail must have been sunk – I can’t understand where they can be. I wish more positive action would be taken by the proper authorities. And I surely would like to have some of that popcorn – with our small stove we can always pop it.
The last few days have been rainy ones and on a few occasions a blinding driving rain. I hope it never blows the tents away. It’s a job to keep dry.
For the first time in many months I put on a pair of suntans and I feel like a Sunday School boy. Before it has been fatigues.
Before I started writing you I was talking to a Sgt. in the guerillas and he was telling me of his experiences in fighting the Japs. He seemed fairly intelligent as Filipinos go. Said his brother was shot and hung by the Japs in October 1943. Some interesting tales.
Had a letter from Dick a few days ago and he seems in good spirits. I hope he continues to take it easy.
Well better quit I guess but I’ll write more tomorrow when I will have a little more time. Sent you $50.00 today. Have you received the $40.00 I sent? Are the bonds coming? You’re doing a good job of writing and they mean a lot.