Dear Folks,
Better get a few lines off to you while I’m in the frame of mind. Received a letter from you today with the clipping about all the property changes at home. There must be a lot of money around there for so many changes.
There were a few questions you asked in your letter and I’ll answer them as far as I can. In the first place there are no furlough quotas and only emergency ones are granted. At my last station a quota was granted for a couple of months but since that time, there has been none. About the medical end. Yes, there are nurses on the island but they are in the big hospitals. Although you don’t get the pampering and personal attention of a civilian physician I think the care and treatment is good. A hospital is usually a row of tents and cots in it—but everything is in good order. As far as I know and from what little I can observe they have the best in everything. During the Saipan battle the conditions under which the doctors worked was terrible, but they worked in spite of it all. The scene of wounded was something not easy to forget and at first the sight of a dying man made me sick but I got over it. On this subject Monday I hope to get a refraction and have one pair of my glasses fixed. We get two pair and it’s very hard to get along without them so I always want an extra pair. They are a nuisance sometimes though.
And war news—yes we have a couple of big radios that pick up stations the world over—so we listen to the nightly broadcasts from ‘Frisco and other stations. Chungking China comes in strong here as well as Australia. You can listen to any languages you care to.
I wish I could set you straight on my outfit but guess that’s censorable.
I saw “Christmas Holiday” and I thought a lot of it—very good. Wanted to see “Going My Way” but missed it.
Better write Dick tonight so I’ll cut off. Am feeling fine.