Dear Folks:
I hope you will excuse all the V-mail I have been using lately but I haven’t much stationery and then this has to travel a hell of a long way, and I think this is the surer and faster way. Had a letter from Dad tonight and good and interesting as ever. You were discussing Dick and his post war future and so I thought I’d write about what I might do. Dreaming of when I get back and what I’ll do is a very important part of my thoughts and I have a lot of time to put to them. I think the first thing is to take a good, independent, lazy rest, with nothing to do. And after that I want to take advantage of this education deal. But when I arrive at the conclusion that this is what I’ll do, I think I ought to get started in something but then I think the best way to do this is to go back to school and pitch in like nobody’s business and get all I can out of it. Of course I’d like to get married too – I’ll probably be thirty before I can get around to it. I was almost a kid when I came in this army but here I am 26 already and will probably be twenty-eight when it’s over. Although I’ve been travelling around quite a bit, I think I’d like to take a honeymoon in Mexico or Panama or Brazil. What do you think of all this? On your letter today I noticed you are still using APO 969 – I thought by now you would surely have my new APO of 235. It’s a fairly nice evening here tonight and pretty quiet. It’s just a littler after supper and some of the boys (are) playing cards and others listening to the GI radio. On this radio we can get almost any station in the world and we listen to the bull from Berlin, London, Tokyo and Japanese controlled China. Australia also has some good programs. After it gets dark there is little to do for there is a pretty rigid blackout and the Japs might come flying over looking around. My work has been going at a good pace and it seems to me the administrative work of the army is increasing. Lugging our typewriters, field desks, and records we sometimes get a rib from the other sections but just the same plenty will depend on these records in the future. I have been thinking of increasing my allotment, but believe I will send treasury checks from ‘Frisco so if you get one it’s from me. There is almost no way to spend money here and lugging it around, it might get misplaced. That is one good aspect to this situation. From where I sit, it looks like the Philippines are shaping up for a good loss for Japan. At the first I guess it was a little tough but things are coming around. The Japanese on the radio are admitting the situation is becoming very serious. I hate the guts of every Jap. One morning a Jap came around the area and he was blasted in a hurry. They’re sneaky as hell. In these grass huts that were burned usually there is several burned, crisp Japs lying around. Some of them are very gruesome, as you can probably imagine. You can certainly tell when any dead ones are around but the terrific stench – boy it’s something awful. Well it’s beginning to get a little dark, so guess I’ll finish off the evening by listening to the radio and maybe some of that good stuff from the ‘old country’. I read about guys getting home everyday but it doesn’t seem to come this way. The same routine every day, and the slim prospects of getting back on furlough sometimes darken my outlook but it will come some sweet day, and like Mom (said), that will be Christmas no matter what day it is. Yesterday we had an issue of four bottles of beer, but don’t worry about us getting too much. I believe this is it for tonight – tomorrow night is New Year’s Eve – wow here is 1945.