From Honolulu via Compacific 31
1145 PM
October 17, 1945
NLT Mr. or Mrs. V. R. Moss, Box 393, Minatare, Nebraska
Arrived Honolulu today.
Expect arrive Frisco 25 26 October.
Try call from there.
Feeling great but can hardly wait.

WWII Letters
From Honolulu via Compacific 31
1145 PM
October 17, 1945
NLT Mr. or Mrs. V. R. Moss, Box 393, Minatare, Nebraska
Arrived Honolulu today.
Expect arrive Frisco 25 26 October.
Try call from there.
Feeling great but can hardly wait.
Dear Folks:
For the first time in over three years I can write you an uncensored letter. Censorship was called off today. I imagine the mailbox will be overflowing tonight. In a day or two I’m leaving the outfit and going to the personnel center to await transportation to the States. I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be long. I hope to get back around the 5th of October but you realize I could be ten days off either way. That’s the way it looks now. If Nancy was excited about going to Denver you can imagine how I feel. You must be getting bored at hearing me say that.
Dick was located at the far north end of the island and that’s where I visited him. He flew to Tokyo and was to land at Atsurge Airfield. He was looking forward to it, but wants to get home as bad as I do.
Our camp is a half mile from the southern tip of the island, south of Naha.
Had a letter from Phil and Nancy today. I’m afraid Phil will be in for more than six months – it depends on how they decide this duration business. I hope they don’t stop the draft or cut the points way down for overseas service or else guys like Dick already overseas will be over quite a long time. It kinds of burns us up to see how the guys in the States get the breaks. But I hope to be one of them before long.
Well so much for this time – saw a show ‘Roughly Speaking’ last night. I could see so many things that were typical of our family. Better see it.
Don’t write any more. If things change any, I’ll let you know.
Dear folks:
Had a nice letter from Mom today so before the show maybe I can answer it. I could tell in your letter how relieved you were and the end of the war made me think of your relief more than mine.
We are sitting around living from day to day for our orders to come through. I think it will be very soon and I’m hoping I can be lucky enough to fly back two days that way, and 18 by boat. I wish I could tell you definitely but we don’t know that. Dick has gone to Tokyo. He was looking forward to it. He flew. It will be quite an experience and he will probably get back fairly soon. He will have plenty to tell you on his return. There’s no need telling you how great my anticipation is after four years. Nancy grown, Phil engaged, Katie married with a child, besides all the other changes around town. And how I’m going to enjoy being lazy around the house. I know you know how I feel. Had a letter from Gladys Johnson, formerly Gladys Davis and she says by all means go back to school and take the room I had lived in. She says her mother has been waiting four years for me to be back in my room. If I get back by the middle of October I’ll have a good stay at home before going to Lincoln [to go to college]. But I’ll have to get a lot of new clothes first. I can use the three hundred [dollars] I get on discharge for that.
Here on the island, Jap officers and enlisted men are roaming around the hills getting what Japs remain to surrender. But I’m in no danger. Our area is a big one like a city, not isolated like in combat. And of course I’m being careful and making sure I’ll get back. And I pray plenty for that and thank God we have been so fortunate. Dick has told me he prayed plenty. That time he was pinned down for four hours while the Japs tried to get him, he knew he was going to die and wished they’d hurry up and kill him. He’s had some close ones. But it has affected him and you’ll be proud of him when he gets back.
Well, it’s about time to go to the show. If you don’t hear from me for a week, don’t write any more because I’ll be on my way. But I’ll write at least that often until I leave.