Dearest Folks:
I really am ashamed of myself for not writing sooner and oftener but it seems that something comes along every night to put off until tomorrow. And secondly, it is so hard to write a letter that I give up in disgust. Whether I write or not you know that I am always thinking of you. Artie Shaw who plays regularly in Honolulu at a service inn, was here today but as I expected it was impossible for me to see him, and I would have given two days wages. Tomorrow being Sunday I hope I can make it to the dance at the USO. I have increased my allotment, that is the cash allotment, to thirty-five dollars, or twenty dollars more than what it was, that was effective March 1, but it may be awhile before it begins to arrive. I hope the bonds have been coming regularly, and I understand that the government is putting into effect a new plan whereby so much of the delay and error will be eliminated. Until now it was impossible to get a pass for longer than about eight hours but lately longer leaves have been authorized, and I hope that soon I can take a three day pass to Honolulu by plane, or at least sleep in a full-sized bed for one night. In my new job I do office work, and occasionally use my shorthand although it’s hardly as good as it was when I was in the bank. A few days ago I used it in a court session, and I must have looked like a stockbroker during a slump, but I got most of it down and what is more important, transcribed. I hope you have received the things I sent by now. I really hope that you like the bridge covers, although regardless you would write in the affirmative. I received a letter, the two page one, from you yesterday and I was glad to hear that you went to Denver for a few days, but sorry, in a way, to hear that Tom was rejected. I hope and I really mean it, that Katie is very happy, that Tom is truly a right guy. I suppose that it is impossible to send the Free Press any longer considering the new mailing restrictions, so your letters should be twice as long. I hope you will forgive me for my carelessness, because I know the anxiety that you must feel. So long for a while.