Dear Folks:
Just enough time to write a letter before going to bed. Just finished a bridge game with two officers and luckily we beat them 1200 points. But we screwed up plenty at that. Had a letter from Jay Echelberger a few days ago, he’s a civilian in Los Angeles. Wants me to write him pretty bad so I better do it.
A few days ago got a hold of a nice Philippino bolo knife with a nice case and hope to get it sent pretty soon. But first I’m waiting to get you a pair of woven sandals. They look pretty nice and I’m sure you will like them.
I’ve been hitting darn good on the mail and don’t think I’ve missed one in a long time. You and Dad must be kept pretty much on the move to keep up with all your correspondence.
Nothing exciting has happened to me lately so in order to make up some kind of a letter guess I’ll have to make a commentary on some of your letters. In the first place question number 1, Aunt Bessie put in candy, some cards, some canned stuff and things like that. Last night I received your letter with Wylma’s address in it so thought I might knock her out a letter, but after I wrote it tore it up and gave it up for a bad job. And then I don’t know if she is a miss either. Sometime ago there was a deal that I was to be transferred to Group Hq as a M/Sgt but a change in commanders changed the deal. Yes I see Dan often, he isn’t very far away and occasionally he strolls in the office ready to talk your leg off and always grinning. Lately he has (been) bringing over stacks of Star-Heralds so I have plenty of reading material. So darned old though, I (have) known most of the news. I sure feel like you do about the Carroll’s and there’s hardly two bits worth in the lot. And I don’t think Margie is much better. And lastly I did faintly know the McVay boy although just by sight. Received a Free Press today and a picture of Ralph Curry, who was killed in action. Received a card and V-mail from Gram and Gramp the other day. Gram is so good to write I must write her soon but you let her know that I think of her often and always hoping Gramp will come through in good shape and soon be around well again.
I wished I could write more and make a newsy letter out of this but I’m getting sleepy and besides there isn’t anything more so just as well quit.