Dear Folks:
This letter is in answer to several of yours that I received today and which were the most welcome sight I ever saw. In my last letter to you I said I was at sea going into combat and that Dick was also at sea. Well time has gone by and here I am. The details I can give you are necessarily very limited but I know you must feel anxious and perhaps some word will make you feel better – I think it will make you feel much better as you read what happened to me today. Under the circumstances you can well imagine how much your letters meant. I knew you must know something was up when you never heard from me, and that I wasn’t writing for no reason at all. I wish I could tell you all what you would like to know, but perhaps soon that will be possible. Wandering around the area today somebody grabbed me and said my brother was here. I ran over and there he was, grinning broadly and looking good. He had a little time off from ten thirty until twelve thirty when he had to meet the truck. He took a bath and cleaned up and had a good dinner then we sat around for a lengthy bull session. When we went to meet his truck he didn’t have to go back until two-fifteen so we came back and chewed the fat some more. In the meantime a slug of mail came in and I had several so we both read them. We made a lot of comments on them. Among them was a letter from Betty Sue Myers, still the same cagey Betty, undecided but engaged. I wrote her at the suggestion of Jack C when we were visiting on Oahu. When we were young and wholesome our old gang made a resolution to have a reunion at the Brown Palace (which I had forgotten) and she was anxious that we all remembered it. I think she (and Jack too) will still someday slip the noose on each other. I’ve read your letters about sixteen times already and will probably read them as many more times before tonight. I hope you can find a suitable watch – I didn’t ask for my own as it isn’t waterproof and it would take a bad time where I go. I would like you also to take my funds and buy one for Dick. As for myself I’m fine, getting good rations, and tolerating a few personal inconveniences. Also had a letter from Gramp today – Dick got a kick out of it. I thought the Chaplain’s idea for Mother’s Day was a pretty good one too. On the furlough plan. In the Central Pacific area the period is two years and the percentage allowed is very small, so small that it looks like a long time for one to come around. Probably the accident that Ike was in, he was drunk and horsing around. By the way I had an invitation from St. Andrews to a dance and house party. Also had a notice from Reader’s Digest today something about a half price subscription after the war – guess I better mail it in. I look forward to them.
By the way better quit a few of your letters V-mail for awhile – I think they will get here faster and surer. Well I think this is all I have this time. I will write you. Don’t worry if you can help it and I’m sure everything will be alright.