Dear Phil:
I guess it’s been many a moon since I’ve written you but I know the folks keep you posted. Received your letter today—the one with the Lincoln stationary. It brought back a lot of memories as I have been in the place quite a few times. Yeah the Coliseum is a good place and your mention of it recalled the game I watched when Minatare lost the state championship. I think that was ’40 if I’m not mistaken. How I wish I could see it right now. The folks have told me about you and what you have been doing and you must be pretty busy and working hard. I hope things go well with you. Just be a good guy and you’ll get along okeh. Spent yesterday with Dick and we saw Bobby Riggs play an exhibition match. I see him quite often now and we enjoy our get-together. Well Dan, have to write Gram and the evening is getting short so will say adios for this time. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make me proud of you and do everything for Mother and Dad.