Dear Folks:
If I don’t write soon you will think I have evaporated or something. The fact is, I am the same as ever except I forget to write as often as I should. But while I have failed to write, the situation has been good the other way. Yesterday a book from Gram came and that added a good deal of morale to my life. She had to send to Minnesota for it, but she got it. With the ones I have now I don’t worry about something to do in the evenings. If I should move or leave I will leave them with a civilian friend who can mail them to me. I suppose you have wondered what has happened to the razor I said I sent. Well after I had it wrapped ready to go there was the matter of rewrapping it after the censor was through with it. In the interim I started using it again so I still have it.
I haven’t been to a show in a couple of weeks so I think I will take the night off and see one, even if it is the corniest horse opera ever produced. The shows have been pretty fair lately but once in a while they throw in an old number and I mean old. In a short time ‘Macbeth’ on the stage will be on the island and I hope I will be lucky enough to see it. Tomorrow is another Sunday and I hope to go to town for services.
Two Free Presses came yesterday and they added the usual bright spot to the week. It’s really interesting to follow the hometown from a long viewpoint, and see where the fellows scatter out to. Geo Butler seems to be getting his share of the fighting from what he wrote. All those guys coming home on furlough kind of hit the soft spot, but I shouldn’t complain considering what some of them are putting up with.
I started this letter last night and now Sunday morning I’m still trying to finish it. What halted me last night was a bridge game, which for once was a winner. I’ve been wondering every day if I’m an uncle yet. I suppose I am by now. I’ve been waiting for a telegram or something.
This is pretty much of a flop for a letter but I guess it will fill in the gap until I can get a better one off. I’m always looking forward to the day when we can all get together again and forget all this mess that we’re in.