Dearest Folks:
I’m in a pretty good state of being tonight and now that my promotion has come thru will get busy writing you. Today was also pass day so that was a celebration of a sort. The raise will bring my pay to about ninety-three or (ninety) four dollars and it should be possible to save a great part of it. It looks like I am getting a good break and I hope this promotion will just be the start.
On my way to town this morning I was picked up by Miss VanTempksi whom I wrote you about previously. I felt a little honored and very lucky and during the few miles that she took me, she talked intelligently and interestingly of the war. When I did get to town it was noon so ate a frugal dinner and then after talking to a few fellows from my old battery, am back to camp early. Tonight, after cleaning up for inspection, I played a little bridge and playing two bits a rubber, broke even. I guess this will have to suffice to tonight but I’ll write tomorrow.