Dear Folks:
This is one of those days that are conducive to letter writing and getting undone things done. It has been raining since early and now a little after one it is still coming down and seeming to draw one’s spirit down too. The other fellows are sleeping or writing or just shootin’ the bull over the war or what move we may make next. Usually on Friday afternoons we have organized athletics but because of the weather is has been called off.
Got your box a couple of day ago. It was knocked around pretty much but still intact enough not to lose the cookies. The sweater fits like a Hollywood bathing suit and I’ve already broken it in with the past few nites on guard duty. A piece of clothing other than a GI issue is like a new suit in civilian life. As to my suits for a suit you to want to make for yourself take your pick—except the black one—unless that is the one you especially wanted.
My pocket watch seems accurate and the zipper bag is handy as a toilet closet. I use it every day and have in it my toilet articles that I use to shave, etc. Formerly I had to scoop them up in both hands and hope I didn’t lose anything on the way so it fits the bill well.
This coast patrol guard duty gets a little tiresome trudging in the sand five or six miles a night. The OP (outpost) I am at now is housed in a little building with a fireplace and benches that was formerly used by some wealthy dukes for ‘picnics’ and steak frys after a swim. It is of stone and set between two very large summer homes that are really swanky. There are big places all along the route.
Guess we start getting our raise this month of $42. Hope I can send home some of it. We signed the payroll today.
Got an Easter card from Colson’s.
This is about all there is this time. Los Angeles had a blackout two nites ago.
I would like to call you up sometime soon say about the 19th—Sunday about 7:30 our time (Pacific Standard Time).
See you in the next letter.