Dear Folks:
Here I am writing you again. It seems like the day is missing something until I get a letter off to you. I just showered up if you call it that. We dug a small well but it keeps supplied with all the water we need. You can strike water by digging two or three feet. A beautiful evening today, so quiet and peaceful. Here isn’t so much noise now that the island is secured. On patrol today we killed five Japs after a little skirmish. They tossed a few grenades and fired some but we didn’t get scratch. I don’t go along – want to protect that 91 points. I hear that General Stilwell is now commanding the Tenth Army since Buckner was killed. I think ‘Vinegar Joe’ will be alright.
Had a letter from Nancy today – the one with the crossword puzzle in it. Me and the Chinaman will have to get together on it.
There isn’t much else newsworthy so I’ll call this my effort for today.