Dear Folks:
I’m going to the show in a little while but maybe I can hash up a letter before then. Yesterday the birthday box came and already I’m smoking one of the cigars and pretty good too. I can always imagine you packing it and fixing it up and every time I open one I get a lump in my throat. Occasionally I stoke up the pipe when it looks like a calm peaceful evening and I can relax on my GI innerspring. After sleeping on these narrow cots probably it’ll take some time to get used to stretching out. The nights are pretty chilly now and it takes all three blankets to keep warm. The seasons are about the same but right now ‘winter’. There is more rain and the waves come in a little bigger than in summer. When I get back home and think of this mild weather probably this place will be deep in my affections. Well what did you think of the picture? And by the way I have one more stripe than it shows. And have you received the ones of Dick and I? Last Saturday night was a little like one at home, at least more so than any before. Slicked up a little after supper, then went to the local dance and did more watching. These dogfaces and navy sure dance some wicked styles. I feel old fashioned. Already I’m beginning to feel like an ‘Army man’ with the three year mark right in sight and longevity pay coming in. What a change these past three years have been. Can hardly realize I’m actually a ‘soljer’. Next month or about February 5 you should get a check for $60 and if you don’t, let me know. Also I increased my bonds to 2 a month. Well that show is coming up in a few minutes and got to visit the PX first so I’m going to wind this up. Thanks again for the box. And by the way Dick and I sent a book. Never read it but it looked pretty good. Well goodbye for now.