Dear Folks:
I’ve been looking forward to taking it easy this evening and writing you so here goes. Haven’t received a letter from you for four days now but they’ll be here soon. The Thanksgiving box came in excellent condition.
I have a pass coming up Saturday but that wouldn’t be unusual if I didn’t have a date. She’s darn good looking so I’ll probably last only one round.
There certainly isn’t much to write about, everything is routine or else it is restricted. I’m enclosing another issue of the paper. My contribution is on page two. Maybe I should have it sent to you.
Had a letter from Jack Lewellen today. I’m not busting to answer it but guess I’d better do it soon.
I have another batch of pictures at the photographers so I’ll be sending some soon. Have been getting the Free Presses, but don’t have any magazines yet.
I think if you look on the paper you can catch more of a glimpse of Army life here than what I could say about. Boy I can’t write worth a darn tonight.
I can’t wait until Katie’s pictures get here. I know they’ll be good.
I really can’t get together much of a letter tonight but at least I wanted to write you and send the paper.

Will you send me another box or two like the stationery you sent?