Dear Nancy:
Guess there’s no better way to start the month than a letter to you—received yours recently and Dick’s too and I like to get your letters so much. Guess (I) was sort of secretive on the mainland but now I write like a Russian revolutionist. Tonite another Saturday and right now the Hit Parade is on—quite a contrast to most I’ve known. Tomorrow is my pass day and I intend to go to church and later to the dance. Of course there are no evening dances here—all in the afternoon. Presently the excitement is payday. Then some shopping for all of you. Suppose you are having as much a thrill about the wedding as Katie and you want to have plenty of hankeys ready for prom. Write often Nancy and you’ll always get a reply. I’m going to listen to you practice a play and (spend the) whole day with you when I get home.