Dear Phil:
I was so glad to hear from you and equally glad that you got in the Navy. Right now I’m sitting in a foxhole in Okinawa hoping the Japs don’t send any artillery fire.
Received a bad scare yesterday morning when two shells hit only a short distance from me. Shrapnel wrecked one of our chairs and ripped our tent. I hope we don’t get a reception tonight.
Well, you are in the service Phil and if you are in long you will perhaps see many things you couldn’t see before. You will find the war is no picnic. It is rough, dangerous, tough, and keeps you from home for a long time. It has been almost four years since I was there. I hope it won’t be as long for you, and I don’t think it will.
I’m not much in the mood for writing but soon I will do better. Take care of yourself and I know you will. I will be thinking about you often and hoping that soon we can all be home together.