Dearest Folks:
A quiet Saturday nite is probably about the best time to write so here goes.
I have the bed sack and it is just the thing I was expecting. They are very warm and perhaps now I can shake off my cold. Luckily I have it now because tomorrow nite I begin sleeping outside in a tent and it will really feel good then.
Last week busted a couple of ribs when I fell against a box in a truck but they didn’t bother much except when I lay down on my back or lift anything heavy. I think they are about healed now though.
The weather is really swell and haven’t seen much rain yet. As I said today is Saturday so another fellow and me went to the park and loafed awhile then went to the afternoon show with all the kids. It was just like the one in Minatare. Last nite the 20-30 Club had another dance for us which was a relief to attend. There was a lot of girls there and I had a good time.
Last week the battery was saddened when one of the fellows was shot to death thru the heart, accidentally. The guy that shot him was almost crazy after it happened and I feel very sorry for him.
Tomorrow the churches have extended a special invitation to all soldiers to attend church and also get in on a big dinner. The Episcopal church here is typical of most. Small but very pretty.
Grandma’s visit was a big help to my flagging morale. She brought plenty for me to eat and already it is gone. We all had dinner downtown and spent a couple of hours visiting. They left at two so they weren’t here very long. Now I am worried and disgusted about the service and on the box you sent. I’ve been looking for it everyday and have written about it but so far have heard nothing. Have received the cigarettes from Kate and Dick. Also I received the letter from Pvt. Mason with the two bucks in it. He is from St. Louis and a fellow with wit like Bob Hope. A very swell guy. He stayed in Roberts as an instructor.
Got a number of Christmas cards from the Reddings (one for birthday and one for Christmas), Farley, Flowers Sr, Jim Sandison, Wylma N., the Davises (by the way they have written me three letters), and several others.
Suppose you have the pictures by now. I think they are pretty good and if they are retouched and framed they will look much better.
January 18 I will begin drawing $30.00 a month and the extra nine will seem like velvet. Have no idea still about where we will go but looks like we will stay here for some time.
I think this covers about everything. Wait a minute. I got the letter from Dad and soon I’ll write you a personal one. I’d almost give my right arm for a furlough to come back for a few days and especially tonight. My morale is low. Let’s hope all the Japs die of the plague or something.
Lots of love,