Dear Folks:
Well I have taken the first step towards getting home. Two days ago I left my outfit and have moved to the Personnel Center where we are processed and grouped prior to departure. I will be discharged at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. I tried to get it changed to Ft. Logan but said they couldn’t do it. But I guess it doesn’t make much difference as long as it is in [the] States. I think I will be here only a day or two before we get on the boat. I feel like a rookie all over again going through this processing – checking records and equipment, but as long as it means getting home, it’s okeh.
Had a letter from Dad the day I left my outfit. It was certainly a good one. I can imagine how Mom feels about us boys getting home and I feel the same way. The boat ride will seem forever. I heard today that points are lowered to 70, October first. Now Dick will be eligible although it will probably be several months before he gets back.
I know I won’t be disappointed in either of you. Being away so long, being more around all the time, and seeing so much construction, home will be more of a castle than ever. I just hope I haven’t changed too much and can be successful someday and be what you expect me to be. I really intend to try. As we are so near to getting home we often talk about what we will do after the war and I think that a decision now will make or break a lot of guys. More and more I believe Dad’s philosophy that nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough. I want to get a good education first and I would like to put what dough I have into something for the future and maybe Dad has some ideas. But [we] will talk it all over soon.
Saw the stage show ‘This is the Army” last night. Very good. Some liberated prisoners of war were guests.
Well I may be on my way in a day or two so get ready and don’t let Mom faint when I walk in.