Dear Folks:
I’m afraid this letter will be very brief, but I had to write because of some good news. Dick called me on the phone so I got in a jeep and picked him up. Then we came back and had supper and did a lot of talking. He is looking very good and full of cheer and smiling. One of the first things we had was to exchange our letters as all mail has a high value. He was all dirty so before chow he cleaned up. After mess we talked for a while then he had to leave. Said he sees Dye Carroll often and his mouth still puts out a torrent of baloney. Dick said he acts like an old veteran, but if he starts on me I’ll blow my lid. Wait till he gets a belly full of it. I’m in no mood to tolerate a fresh stateside cookie.
I’m fine and feeling good because much mail has been coming but one thing I want you to do is this. Mail the Free Press in a large envelope first class. It never gets to me as second class. I haven’t received one in months. Also I would like you to send Time magazine and Newsweek the same way. It’s the only way I can get up to date news from periodicals.
Well I’ll write more later. Reading my Episcopal prayer book is a great source of confidence and knowing you are thinking of me helps greatly.