Dearest Folks:
A quiet Sunday evening with little to do, now that my laundry has been tabulated, so perhaps can write a page or two.
The radio training is advancing all the time and now have the code almost learned, ready to try for speed tests. Some of the field setup of radios and the 5 different codes we must deal with are pretty rugged at times but we all feel it’s a good training.
Saturday was a big inspection day but tomorrow will be an even bigger one. Lieutenant General Danford, chief of the field artillery is inspecting the next three days. Suppose we will be scrubbing barracks most of the time.
In the evening last night stayed in the barracks and read. By the way I’ve read over four good books since I’ve been here. Just finished “All This and Heaven Too” and “Two Alone” and am now working on “The Power and the Glory”. Mom knows some good books she can recommend. This has been a favorite pastime lately. Went to church this morning and heard some good music from the choir. Took some pictures all afternoon and as soon as they are developed, I’ll send them to you. Hope they are good. We walked far enough.
Got a letter from Farley yesterday telling me all about himself. Suppose you got to see him Thanksgiving. Also got a card and paper from the high school about the homecoming and football game. I’m itching to hear how the game came out. Suppose we got licked.
Grandma said she was going to write and tell you how I looked. Did she?
Hope you are all okay and getting along fine. See you in the next letter.