Dear Folks:
Well I’m still on Okinawa and still waiting. We are supposed to leave either tomorrow or Friday for the Personnel Center but I’m afraid it may be postponed until next Monday. It’s still the old waiting game and the old cry ‘no transportation’. The harbor is so packed with ships you could hardly throw a stone without hitting one, and the airfields are running over with planes – but still there’s ‘no transportation’. Sometimes it’s hard to contain yourself. I heard today that some kind of a congressional investigation is underway about it – I hope so. Everybody seems concerned about it. Certainly no large numbers of eligible personnel are being shipped out of here – I believe the number is very small since VE day. I can’t for the life of me figure why everything moves so slow. Well that’s enough about that, and that’s the way I sit now. Let’s hope it won’t be postponed any further.
My life is very monotonous these days. It’s more a matter of keeping out of sight and trying to find something to do to pass away the time. Yesterday I rode down to the Personnel Center to attempt to pick up some rumors, but couldn’t find out much. Then a little later went on to Yontan Airfield. It has been hot and dry the past two days but in this place we may have a cloud burst in five minutes.
Chow is still terrible but yesterday we had two fresh eggs for breakfast. Now I suppose it will be another month before we get anymore.
A couple of nights ago seven Japs got into one of the neighboring battalions and injured several guards. The guys killed three of them and next morning found one of them was a woman dressed in full Jap uniform.
Well I believe that’s all. Plan to go to a show in a little while and then call it another day.