Dear folks:
About an hour before church so perhaps I can write you a few short lines before then. Communion is being held today and as a special treat we will have an organ. A small portable one but it sounds good.
Mail is continuing to come in good—both 1st and 4th. Yesterday got a package from June and today two Free Presses and March Reader’s Digest, so I’m expecting the February package any time.
I thought I better write too today because you have probably been reading about the Jap counterattack in which they landed behind our lines and we shot down 168 Jap planes. Well I was in my foxhole all night listening to artillery shells land but they did no damage, and aside from the tenseness all I got from it was more battle experience, of which I’ve had all I want. And Dick is okay. You can rest at ease about him.
My partner is trying to get me to buy in on a fruit orchard in Texas. His dad wants to sell it to him at $200 an acre for twenty acres or $4,000, and us split the cost. He figures in five years under normal years it will bring in an estimated $10,000 yearly and in 15 years will represent a value of 15 to 20 thousand. His dad has his own farms in Kansas and wants to sell the orchard. That’s a pretty cheap price. Right now his dad gets about $1,500 yearly but it is not all planted. Well it’s an idea and it sounds like a good investment but lots to think about.
Well better wash up a little for church so better get ready.