Dear Dad:
You probably have noticed, and maybe with a little concern, the fewer number of letters that I have been writing, but I find it so discouraging to write a good letter that I put it off ‘for just one more nite’. Well my guilt has been gnawing on me pretty strong tonight so this will be ‘that one more nite’. The first thing I should do, and I do feel bad about it, is for neglecting you on Father’s Day. I know it is a little late, but I hope you will not feel it was intentional. As a sort of a ‘peace offering’ I’m sending you an electric razor. I didn’t expressly buy it for you, but after I got it thought I made a mistake and not knowing whether I can always use it just as well send it home. The razor is (a) good one but I know the toughness of your beard and perhaps you can’t use it. Perhaps Phil is getting to where he can get some good of it.
Tomorrow is the Sabbath so possibly I will go to the beach or to a dance. Ordinarily the afternoon is given to recreation although it is never a certainty. In the morning the chaplain has services in the rec hall but he seems to me to be so lacking in what I consider a good ‘sky pilot’ that I can’t feel as I should (think) about going.
Last Wednesday nite the first USO troupe from the states did a show for us and I laughed all the way through it. It was a breezy streamlined affair but just what the guys like. Even a half dozen chorus girls danced in front of all the whistling. The girls were quite a contrast to the willowy hula girls that dance slow and easy and with no shoes. After seeing the local females for so long, these looked pretty good.
I just heard the news that you have probably been following pretty closely and that is the landing on Sicily. It appears that perhaps from now on, we will do the choosing as to where and when the fighting will be done, but despite this I think it will still be a long time before it is all finished. Sometimes I get into some good arguments on this subject. You have often been right on your ‘out of the blue’ hunches and I hope this is one that is no different.
As a supplement to my excuse for not writing I do considerable reading in the evenings and I think this stops the letters a little bit. If you have not gotten a book yet forget about the first order and try to get the one ‘Titles’ that I mentioned. Perhaps I should have asked Katie to do this for she would have much better access to them than you. Maybe I’ll do that.
Tonight we assumed the roles of scrub women and cleaned up the billet with mops, etc. With my household experience in washing dishes, mopping, making beds, etc., I should make somebody a good wife. Maybe if the women keep working after the war, I can put it into practical use.
All of you have been doing a swell job of writing and I do appreciate it, although maybe it isn’t evident from my end. You know there is nothing dearer to me than home, and of late I have realized that more than ever, at least it has been impressed with greater meaning. I guess it’s about time for the final sentence and I never know how to write it to leave you with how much I miss and love you all.