Dear Folks:
I hadn’t intended to write tonight but had a nice letter from you with the pictures so I’m in the mood. The pictures are very good. Your dress tied in the back brings back the days when we always were tugging at some part of your apparel. Phil looks well filled out and husky and very nice looking, and it looks like Carol and him make a good pair. He looks nice in his uniform. In his letters Phil says Carol is a ‘slick dish’ or ‘takes the cake’. Dad’s store has certainly grown from its humble beginnings in the Flower house garage. And all since I’ve been away. I hope it grows in the future as it has in the past.
This afternoon I slept – soundly and someone told me I even snored. The first afternoon like that in a long time. We are having it easier now – are getting volleyball courts and baseball diamonds and will probably be on a half-day schedule. Soon we will have a canteen and some movies.
Some evenings we have quite a little show shooting up Japs who wander around and almost every day we bag a few. Yesterday we spotted a group in a cave and after some excitement 7 Japs were dead. Still quite a few running around. About every night a few Japs try to infiltrate back along a road that runs along a little valley near our area. Then flares go up and the machine guns start spitting red tracers. We overlook the road so when things start we gather on the hill and watch like spectators in the bleachers of a rodeo. Sometimes we can see the Japs trying to scramble up the road bank or run when the flare bursts over them. A few nights ago a fellow in the battery who is called the “Deacon” killed a husky Jap who got in pretty close. Being the person he was, jibbed him plenty. But we are pretty safe. It is pretty hard to [end of the letter is missing]