Dear folks:
Another letter to you while I’m sitting in the service club with nothing particular to do. This town is really swell and the people have taken us in with open arms. Yesterday after duty, while I was strolling down main street, a lady stopped us and told us about the big Christmas dinner they are having, turkey and everything. The whole town is behind it and also they are rounding up gifts for each of us. Later we went in for a beer and we had four without paying anything. All on the house. Shows are half price and tonite was given a free malt in a drug store. When you go in stores many little items are given free. Also the ladies secured a washing machine for us to do our laundry and two irons to press them. Last nite we had a big free dance at the high school and all the girls in town were there. The announcer was a big fellow like Jon Lenz. Everyone had a swell time. We take showers at the high school too. But some things aren’t so good, for instance we have only hot water by heating it on a hot plate and the building is cold at night and we sleep rite on the floor. You see this is field conditions as in wartime. We are pretty lucky though. One battery has their tents pitched on the football field and have to straddle over a ditch to use the latrine. Another quarters themselves in the buildings around the swimming pool. Guess I’ve told you how pretty the town is. Our big guns are lined up around the city park, everything ready to go, if the case need be. This morning was taken up by inspections and the kids stood around as our officer inspected us.
There is one big item I do need badly and will have to have soon and that is a sleeping bag. It is almost impossible to get along without one and the floor is too hard to get any sleep. As they cost around eight or nine dollars I’ll have to ask you for a little money or you can order it thru Monkey Ward or some place and have it sent direct. I hate to ask for it around Christmas and all but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have any hips in a few weeks.
I read in the paper tonite that telephone calls were not permitted now, that is long distance. Hope that is wrong. I feel kind of cheap not buying any gifts at all but I won’t get paid until the fifteenth of January and I’d be mighty near broke.
This is enough for now but hope you all have a good time Christmas Day and wish I could be with you.
All my love,