Dear Folks:
What sounded like good news came over the radio this morning, and while I’m putting in time this afternoon, perhaps I can tell you about (it). The War Department announced it had defined the point system for discharge with 85 points necessary to be eligible. Of course everyone has figured them up and mine stands at 91. Although we hear a lot about rotation and discharge it hasn’t made much effect but now I’m hoping that I will at least make it back on rotation or discharge, one or the two. If they are going to discharge 1 1/3 million as they say, it looks like I would have a chance. Anyway the morale has taken quite a boost around here since the announcement of these two plans. Now I’ve got to preserve myself until one of them affects me.
Had a letter from Phil a couple of days ago – he sure is doing the writing. He’ll get along alright once he finds out what the score it. Heard from my friend in Washington today and she is getting married the 5th of June. Said she had a big party in the club where us used to go once in a while.
No more packages have come in but fourth class seems to drift in everyday so the rest of mine will probably show up one of these days.
I wished I had something to write about. There seems to be just nothing at all. Last night was pretty quiet. I’m feeling very good – I think it is this cool weather. Well I’m forced to quit here but perhaps the next communiqué will be longer.