Dear Folks:
Had a nice letter from Dad today so as long as I couldn’t stand the show just as well spend the time writing. Have been feeling very bad all day. My old kidney attacks began early this morning and haven’t let up all day except that I feel pretty decent now. I went to the hospital again this morning for a urinalysis but won’t know the result until tomorrow. Later the doctor felt around, took my blood pressure, and thumped a few places. He thinks it is urethral colic or perhaps auritis. It has been effecting me on and off for the past two weeks. Sometimes it gets pretty bad. Well the doc told me to go to bed for a few days and wait to see what the hospital does.
I’m keeping very busy but feeling like I do, I don’t have much ambition sometimes.
Pat sent me her picture a few days ago and she is an attractive girl. She writes me often.
I’m sure I’m not getting too much beer – perhaps it would average up to about a bottle every 3 days and lately we have had none at all.
As far as Christmas packages go, I have given up – they are surely sunk. The other mail comes good and I think the others would be here if it was possible.
Now as far as my experience with the Red Cross and what they are doing here. Practically all our emergency furloughs are based on their recommendations and that’s practically the only way to get one. That’s why it is important to contact them first when something serious happens at home. Other than that I’ve had no dealing with them. I think they do most of their work at the hospital. Occasionally a Red Cross girl comes around in a truck with cokes, a little candy and a ready conversation. A field worker is always handy and they have been every place I have.
The wind has been blowing all day and the dirt and sand is something fierce. I hope it rains soon. It raises hell with our typewriters and everything rusts overnight. What a country. But last night was very beautiful with a bright moon and the tall palm trees. For the moment at least, I imagined the war was non-existent.
I have nothing more, I feel like hitting the hay and calling it another day.