Dear Folks:
Suppose you are wondering what has happened to me for not writing so long but last week was a busy one with moving and guard duty and I feel off a little.
Last Wednesday thirteen of our battery were transferred to Carlsbad to join another battery in our regiment, to patrol the coastline. It is about twenty miles from Escondido but a little closer to San Diego. We are living in tents in a eucalyptus grove just about a mile from the coast back in the hills. A nice shower room and washstand has been built so it isn’t so bad here. Carlsbad is about a mile away and Oceanside about four. We do guard duty six hours at a time, either from six until twelve or twelve until six at nite only. Each outpost is dug out in the sand and lined with sandbags and equipped with a stove and charts, etc. Ours sits on a bluff overlooking the sea. Two stay in the dugout while two walk on patrol, our post is 3 ½ miles so we walk seven miles each nite. Time seems to go pretty fast though, walking along the beach or highway 101 and watching the surf pound in. In the afternoon we drill 3 hours.
Well today was big one on the calendar, being Easter. I got up at nine and hitchhiked to Oceanside and went to the Episcopal church there. I also took communion. The church is right on the highway 101 in town and during the sermon he was forced to almost yell while a marriage party went by. After church I hitchhiked back to my station.
Was in Coronado last Tuesday on a 23 hour pass and had a nice time with the folks there. I talked to Dick again about the Navy and I believe he will refrain from joining.
Just got Dan’s letter and picture. Boy, he’s good looking. He shouldn’t have any trouble with girls. Also got a card from the Colson’s. By the way even tho I’m here at Carlsbad still address my mail to Escondido. It will be sent out daily.
Haven’t heard from Kate for some time. Believe she owes me the letter.
I just had Sunday chow a few minutes ago—peaches, cheese, cold meat, beets, coffee, and potato salad. Pretty good. Guess I’ll read awhile tonite before going out on guard.
Well another Easter has come and gone and for the first time I didn’t have to be particular about what I wore. Everyone was dolled up in church and was the only soldier there. Hope I’m not wearing OD’s when the next one comes around.
Sorry I didn’t write in time for the box but I know everything you put in it will be something I can use.