Dear Folks:
I don’t know whether I feel good tonight or not – I guess I should in a way because Betty Hutton was here this afternoon with a troupe that put on a pretty good show. But as usual instead of being an enlisted man’s show, it wound up also as usual, one for the officers. At the beginning of the show a special service Captain got up and pulled off an awkward and embarrassing prolonged kiss, what bespoke of his limited background and apparent good taste. I was very disgusted. But the show was alright, but it doesn’t have the intended effect of raising my morale – instead it seems to lower it – it’s nice to see but after it’s over, I feel like I just fell through a trap door. What a treat to see a white woman. The Marines brought an out of tune, but ear filling band over, and the place sounded a little more like civilization. The show started at two-thirty and the dogfaces began coming in at noon and by twelve-thirty all the seats were taken. But tonight I feel all let down and get tied up with memories of back home and wondering when the hell I will get back.
The part that makes me feel good on the other hand, is about the 6th Army landing in the Philippines. I just heard the news about an hour ago from ‘Frisco, and while I felt good at the progress we’re making, I also thought about the guys that are getting the rough end of it, and how many already had sacrificed everything. Too many people I’m afraid, don’t consider it very carefully. They are sure we’ll win and just sit back waiting until then, and in the meantime taking advantage of the situation. Oh well maybe I’m going sour or getting cynical I don’t know – I’m afraid sometimes I am and I better not let it go too far.
In a few minutes, I’m going to the cinema and will finish off the night that way, then come back, mill around a while and then go to bed. There isn’t much else to write about, I’m fine but get down once in a while, and I get great consolation from your letters. Well I’ll quit for this time.