Dear Folks:
While I was eating chow tonight someone brought me two letters, so I sat over my coffee and read your two good communiqués. It seems that I’ve been gone so long and things have changed so much since I left that a letter means so much and puts a good touch to a rough day. I’ve been very poor on my writing lately but I’ve been so busy that I couldn’t find the time. But I do want to write you as often as possible.
In your letters you both mentioned the heavy rain but since I wrote that letter, the rain has subsided and it has been very dry and now the dust is bad on the roads. Yesterday I was traveling quite a bit on an inspection trip and passed thru Noha and had a better look than what I last described to you. It must have been a picturesque city and by far the most modern since leaving Oahu. There are many large brick buildings of stores, government offices, theatres, etc. You know Noha had one quarter which housed the geisha girls and prostitutes and a general entertainment area. They say the girls numbered some four thousand. Through Noha there is a paved road and as I drove over it I couldn’t help but think of our own highway. The first paved road since Oahu. In the estuary were several Jap bodies floating, and in the harbor, masts of sunken Jap ships stuck up out of the water.
Well it looks like some boys will be leaving soon on demobilization but I won’t hit the first quota, as some have more [points] than I. But the general feeling is that the plan will continue to work, and I feel personally that sometime in the next six months I will get my orders. Just hang on a little longer and I’m sure I’ll soon be out of it for good. Also I understand the critical score may be lowered and that makes my chances better. Guess you know I have 91 [points]. If I don’t hit another operation before I leave, everything will be hunky-dory. I know being away so long is getting both Dad and you down.
Got the little clipping of Dick and Duane and I liked it. I haven’t been able to see Dick or Ike yet because we are so far apart but soon will get around to it.
Well kind of short tonight but got to save something for next time. So adios.