Dear Folks:
Plan to go to the show after supper so maybe I better scratch out a letter before chow. When I returned this afternoon found a letter from Mom waiting for me – a good one too.
I’m glad you like the idea of my going back to school and I’ve made up my mind that will be my postwar plan, and still go in with Dick on his plan. I hope it is possible that I can get home this fall and begin after Christmas, and even get my old room back with Mrs. Davis. I’ll really go in for it. Keep praying it will happen.
You always tell me to be careful and you are right about snipers still being around but I assure you I don’t take any chances. As a matter of fact when we have an air raid or something happens, I’m always the one who wakes up first. But things are very quiet now and what few Japs that remain are being rapidly rounded up. I’ve seen too many guys get hurt when they didn’t need to.
I hope too that Phil will remain in the states for some time. I’ll bet Carol is all excited about getting married.
I’m glad General Stilwell took over – he seems to have a good reputation and the guys talk good about him.
It’s chow time and besides I’m out of any more news so I’ll let the big one I wrote last night excuse for this one.