Dear Folks:
I’m afraid this week won’t be much of a letter but I’m fiddling around so just as well write. Just listened to the news and it’s very good. Sounds like a big break through in Europe, am still sticking with the first of May.
A guy in my barracks has been talking to me about buying some citrus fruit land in the Rio Grande in Texas after the war. He’s been giving me all the dope and talking it up pretty strong. He’s been quoting figures, costs, help, machinery, and so forth and for all I know about it, it sounds good. His dad is a Kansas wheat farmer and he has an orchard down there. We’ve had a lot of fun talking about it and if he keeps (it) up I may get interested. He figures on 20 acres at $150 an acre, and after three years or more, an estimated gross income of $3,000.00. He’s got it all figured out. It sounds good but of course a lot may happen before the war is over. We figured on a government loan and the expert advice help of his old man. It’s (a) great pastime to plan it.
The rain is coming down in a furious driving gale and sometimes I’m afraid the tent will give way. If it should, we’re sunk.
Am going to the hospital tomorrow for the results of my urinalysis. Have felt pretty good today except for right now which began after supper.
Had a nice letter from my Washington reporter. She has certainly set a record in letter writing. She sent a Valentine card and is always enclosing a small book that she thinks I would like. When I was in Fort Lewis, she would bake me cookies and take me to Seattle and Tacoma. She thinks a lot of me. Better write her tonight.
A short epistle tonight but a letter regardless. So until the next one.