Dear Folks:
I feel very tired. Was on KP detail all day for fourteen hours from five until seven, but since I’ve shaved feel a little better and more in the mood to write.
Probably this will be the last letter I will write to you from this camp because tomorrow am being transferred to San Luis Obispo, about 50 miles south of here. This will be my permanent tactical unit and I’m supposedly going as a radio operator. Our course has been considerably shortened to what I know about a couple of our radio sets, isn’t worth knowing. Five thousand new rookies are being moved in Wednesday so our barracks will all be cleaned out.
Felt pretty low when you mentioned a furlough. That’s definitely out and am not sure even that I can go to San Diego. Everything is so uncertain. It was swell of you to offer the train fare for me. I want to come home so badly. One fellow, who’s Dad works on the railroad had the passes and everything fixed and he’s more or less moping around too. We will get an arrangement worked out and I will call you as soon as I get arranged in my new location. This new camp is closer to SD [San Diego] and about six miles from the ocean and located near a town of about ten or 15 thousand and I’m glad to have been sent there. After a training there, I don’t know for how long, will be shipped again.
If I can’t be with June or Lloyd or Gram and Gramps for Christmas I’m afraid it will be a lonely one. Last Sunday in church we sang a Christmas carol, but for some reason this year, can hardly believe it is the yule season.
The rains have begun a little and yesterday (Sunday) we all sat around and played cards or took it easy.
Yes I still have my wrist watch and it is working fine. Maybe if I go, will send it to you because wouldn’t want anything to happen to it. My money situation is fine, you’d be surprised how far twenty one bucks will go. Had some 8×10 pictures taken tonite and before I leave tomorrow will try to send you a couple.
This is about everything without going into detail and will write soon after I’m at San Luis Obispo.
Keep your chins up.
All my love,