Dear Folks:
Well I’m a long ways from Escondido. This is the third day out and now I’m in Redding in northern California not far from Oregon. The first day we came through Pasadena, Los Angeles, and ended up in Bakersfield and stayed all nite at Minter field; the second day we came through Fresno and stayed at Modesto. Today we came thru Sacramento, Williams here to Redding. Our battalion met up with another outfit of quartermaster so our convoy is a plenty big one—well all three nites we have bivancaced on airports and covered nearly all the field so you see how large it is. They (the trucks) look like a great herd of pachyderms grazing. Here at the Redding airport we are surrounded by snow covered mountains and in the distance can see Mount Shasta. The airport is on sort of a rock covered plateau over which the wind is howling.
I think this trip will be remembered in my future years as one that took plenty of patience and roughing. In the back end of our truck our six men with fourteen barracks bags, rifles and equipment besides wire pharaphenalia. It is one constant effort to keep everything together. The first thing we do upon getting into the nite area is to set up the kitchen and get it going, then put up pup tents, and finally after a cold water shave and bath crawl into our sleeping bags. We get up at 4:45 and have chow at 5:00, pull tents, police up, and leave again at seven. For noon dinner we have two sandwiches but we make up for it with a hot supper meal, and do we eat.
Our ultimate destination is Vancouver, Washington so will be on the road for four more days. Tomorrow we go thru Klamuth Falls stopping at Bend, Oregon. Perhaps you can follow our itinary.
Tonite there is a show at the high school so a few of us are going in and perhaps get a shower and get this letter mailed.
You should see the guys shaving in a truck mirror while the wind dries the lather as fast as it is put on. I was one of the first ones to get to the small waiting room in the airport building, but with about a thousand guys on two sinks that didn’t last long.
Well I better wind this up so I can walk into town a couple of miles away and get back fairly early. Four o’clock comes around early. Remember my address:
Btry C, 222 FA Bn
APO 40, Los Angeles, California
Well goodbye for now, write you tomorrow if I can get to a post office.