Dear folks:
I just wrote you a letter day before yesterday but guess I have time to write another.
Yesterday ushered in something new again—this time being on guard duty. I went on yesterday at 4:30 PM and was on for twenty-four hours however we only walk during darkness. I walked two hours then slept four—walked two and slept four. We slept in the guardhouse in our clothes, thereotically to be ready for call. My hours were six to eight then midnite until 2 AM. I was sure tired when I was awakened at twelve, and does that rifle get heavy after two hours. However, we had nothing to do all day but lay around and read.
The radio work is very interesting and now I know all the code but have one lesson yet to pass before try for speed. I believe 10 words a minute are required as minimum for the course.
Many of the fellows are pretty glum today just getting the news that our furloughs are going to be short and many had already planned on going home. The men in the 88th infantry were today sent to Panama. Berg is in the 87th. Something seemingly a little unusual happened yesterday and that was all the Japanese boys were taken out of our battery. Wonder if it relates to the crisis. They would have a good vantage point in a radio outfit.
Got a letter from Gram today and she’s expecting me down for Christmas. She didn’t help me any on my bus fare but promised to for the next time; but June and Loyd took care of other expenses. I never got to see Uncle Will. They had such short notice she couldn’t get word to him. In answer to your next questions we have six more weeks of training after this one. This will probably end about the 1st of February. I have no idea where we might be sent.
I’ll say the cake was good and it wasn’t broken a bit, in very good shape and so soft and delicious. The fellows raved about it and agreed you were a superior cook.
Delighted to hear about the game—can imagine the unlimited excitement that went on all day.
This is all I can think about for this time. Everything going fine. No rain yet and still getting heavier.
All my love,

Thought about something else. Regarding Christmas gifts, I know it would be of little avail to caution you on expenses. But I’ll give you my list of what I can think of now.
Cheap pocket watch
A camera
Pair of brown civilian shoes (no two tone)
Small leather bag for toilet articles
Keycase (for trunk locks)
Stationary folder (for envelopes, stamps, etc.)
Please don’t fill the list but just pick one or two and that will be more than enough to ask for.